Tracing Roof Leaks
Finding the roof leak
It often takes considerable experience to find a roof leak. Leaks are often difficult to locate. When found a solution needs to be put in place that will permanently prevent the leak from re-occurring.
Professional roof repairs
It's not uncommon for property owners to have a leak attended to a number of times. This can be frustrating and expensive. Ceilings are often repaired and/or repainted on the assumption that a leak has been fixed. Damage then occurs with the reappearance of the original leak. With over 20 years experience, James Rutt is able to troubleshoot and locate the majority of leaks and prevent their reappearance.
Skillions & sleepouts
Low pitched skillion roofs can be particularly vulnerable to leaks. Low pitched roofs allow leaves and debris to build up between the tiles. As roof tiles have water channels between the tiles, these can get blocked and will overflow. To correct this situation, the material blocking the channels needs to be removed. Additionally, sisalation paper needs to be re-laid under the tiles to provide a more effective barrier from any future leaks.